Un site généraliste sur les champignons d’Amérique du Nord, avec des clés d’identification.

This site of Michael Kuo contains more than 1200 species of North American mushrooms and identification keys which help narrow down possibilities. There is no information about the edibility or toxicity of mushrooms.


Un site où vous pouvez vous connecter avec une communauté de plus d'un million de scientifiques et de naturalistes qui peuvent vous aider à en apprendre davantage sur la nature !

"No matter where in the world you are, iNaturalist brings people together. Whether you have a PhD or just love the outdoors, iNaturalist will bring you closer to nature and many fellow naturalists." Your findings will be shared with scientific data repositories to help scientists find and use your data. (To change the language, go to bottom right of the home page)

Mushroom Observer

But du site : enregistrer des observations au sujet des champignons, aider les gens à identifier les champignons qu’ils ne connaissent pas et élargir la communauté des personnes qui s’adonnent à l’étude scientifique des champignons.

The purpose of this site is to record observations about mushrooms; it is a valuable resource for both amateur and professional mycologists. A living field guide for mushrooms or a collaborative mushroom field journal. There are several interesting ways to search for information on the site. 

Fungi of Temperate Europe – Identification Wheels

Voir l’ouvrage équivalent sous l’onglet Sites francophones d’ailleurs.

A downloadable and interactive free PDF (with links allowing you to jump forward from the table of centents and the main wheels and back aagain with a home button) – To distribute the identification wheels as far as possible, the Danish authors have created this digital version for use on PC, tablet and smatphone. The PDF is for personal use and for education, but must not be distributed commercially.


Un site généraliste sur les champignons d’Europe du Nord, avec des clés d’identification interactives.

MycoKey is an innovative information system to the fungi implemented as a computer program (PC and Mac installed version) and an online service. It allows the user to perform simple searches or complex identifications using interactive keys covering more than 1,100 genera of the Basidiomycota and Ascomycota that occur in Northern Europe.

Studies in the Amanitaceae

Un site très complet dédié aux Amanitacées du monde, avec de très belles photos et des outils d’identification.

This site provides facts and data accessible to persons of multiple levels of interest and expertise on taxa of the family Amanitaceae of the world. Text is supplemented by monotone or color illustrations of the fungi wherever possible, as well as identification tools.

All about Hebeloma

Un bel outil d'identification pour les hébélomes.

This website is devoted to Hebeloma. To date, the authors have studied more than 10,000 collections of Hebeloma from all over the world, almost 6,000 of which are from Europe and over 3,000 are from North America. They have applied this wealth of database information and combined it with artificial intelligence machine-learning techniques to provide an 'Identifier'. The Identifier is unlike traditional keys; based on just a few collection characters the Identifier will produce its best guesses as to the species to which that collection should be referred.

Mycoweb (California)

Un des premiers sites internet sur la mycologie, présentant beaucoup de documents sous l’onglet Systematics.

WWW pages devoted to the science of mycology (the study of the fungi) and the hobby of mushrooming (the pursuit of mushrooms). This is a great site, full of mushrooms of California and a link to just about all the other sites.


Voir le site équivalent sous l’onglet Sites francophones d’ailleurs.

A bilingual website dedicated to the Ascomycota, where you will find over 5000 macro or micro pictures, as well as keys and documents to download. It enables you to participate in the forum, to sends questions and images and to propose collection files for the ASCOfrance database.

Hongos hypogeos

Un site espagnol de photos de champignons hypogés (croissant sous la surface du sol).

A Spanish site showing photos of macro and micro photos of hypogeous (partially or completely embedded in soil or humus) fungi.

British Mycological Society

Un site présentant des clés et d’autres documents intéressants, en particulier sous les onglets Field Mycology and Library and Information.

Over the years the British Mycological Society and it members have published a large number of keys to fungi in its journals and occasionally in the publications of other societies. This is very much a work in progress and it is hoped to continue to add keys to the web page as time permits.

The Mushroom Genus Laccaria in North America

Un site dédié aux Laccaria, Gregory M. Mueller, Ph.D., Department of Botany, The Field Museum.

A site on the genus Laccaria which comprises an important part of the North Amerian mycota north of Mexico.

Mycological Society of Toronto

Le site du club des mycologues de Toronto.

The MST is a society dedicated to the promotion of the sustainable and ecologically-sound study and appreciation of fungi.